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Friday, August 01, 2014

How to Learn English Fast

Is there a fast way to learn English? The answer is yes.

Most of us think that everything is difficult. Either it's learning a new language or choosing a product to use, everything is difficult because we think it is.

So how do we learn English fast? Here are some tips.

1. Be Confident
You are trying to learn not to show off. It is okay to commit mistakes especially if you're just a beginner. Don't be shy just because you can't pronounce a word correctly. We have all been in that stage.

2. Don't rush.
Forcing yourself to learn English fast will not help you in any way. Take it easy. Take it slow. Fast does not mean you'll learn the language in one day. Everything has their own time. In this case, it depends on you when will you be able to reach your goal.

3. Self discipline
Do you really want to learn or you just don't have a choice?
The desire to learn should be there. Teach yourself to make time for your studies. Include study time in your daily schedule and do your best not to skip it. There are so many things you can learn in just one day.

4. Remember
Studying is useless when you don't even remember a thing about what you have studied. Review your previous lessons. Take down notes. Learn new vocabulary and practice using them in your own sentences.

5. Practice, practice, practice
Putting what you have learned into practice is the most important key to learning. Like writing, you won't be able to know if you are good or not at it if you don't write.
Talk to people who know the language. Communicating with other people will help you enhance your speaking and social skills. It will help you grow and gain confidence. And lastly...

6. Trust yourself
Everything will be useless if you don't believe in yourself. The result will depend on no one but you. Do not blame others if you think you are not improving. Do your best and try your hardest. Because in the end you will be your number one critic.

Just follow these tips and add an extra amount of motivation and you're good to go. Be patient because success does not come easy.